What is BETWEEN the Hearts in Staging a ‘New Story’?

David M. Boje, True Storytelling Institute co-founder
Boje's Antenarrative Blog

Get some background taking the BETWEEN Leap

BETWEEN Process will help you further your quest for True Storytelling. The BETWEEN leap takes us to the four hearts, and then into pairwise bridging BETWEEN them, where we listen to the Who’s.

Do not founder taking your BEWEEN Leap. You are leaping BETWEEN the hearts to the four who’s. Many participants are just not listening close enough. Therefore, trainers help participants to listen to the heart of the matter itself, and to the who’s.

“To keep clear of prejudice we must be ready and willing to listen” (Heidegger, p. 15, What is called Thinking book).

Staging the Between:

It’s time to do staging. Principle 6: You must have staging of artifacts and scenography.

BETWEEN (fore-structure)

Heidegger says the “Being of the ‘Between” the “Being-itself cannot be taken as ‘Between’ (p. 252 History of Time book).

Heidegger proposes three stages of inquiry into the fore-structure of the BETWEEN Process, which we translate into True Storytelling. The BETWEEN tool #15 has three phases: 1: exploring the 4 hearts, 2: exploring the 4 who’s, and 3. restorying with a ‘new story’ that is for one of the many audiences, done in clear and concise communication using scenography and artifacts to get you there.

Phase 1: Circle of the Four Hearts (Beneath-Before-Bets-Beyond)

Phase 2: Circle of the Four Who’s of the Between (Ego-Corporate-We([community]-Eco).

FOUR WHO’s and the INTER-WHO’s

What is the BETWEEN two Hearts of Anyone? The Four Who’s The Ego-centric, Corporate-Centric, We-Centric, and the Eco-Centric. Choose one of them as your audience for staging a ‘new story.’

Between the 4 hearts, is the Anyone-poles of the 4 Who’s. In stage 2 we explore hearts at a time, to a Who, then in the STAGING Principle #6 of True Storytelling, we make a communication to one particular Anyone audience (we choose a Who).

The Inter-Who’s BETWEEN

The four Who’s (Ego, Corporate, We, & Eco) have six Inter-Who relations to explore BETWEEN. By these Inter-Who True Storytelling Conversations you enter the embodied restorying process. These Inter-Who dialogues “take us to places we must explore to reach the point where only the leap will take us further” (p. 12) Heidegger’s What is Called Thinking book). Going BETWEEN the Who-s is a kind of quantum leap that takes some practice steps toward the “chasm’s edge” (IBID).

For example, Corporate-centric-Who is being brought into answering the situation of Eco-centric-Who, and the We-centric-Who of community. It’s easy for Corporate-centric-Who to continue its dependence on the Ego-centric-Who. You can work out all six relations of INTER-Who, bringing them into the BETWEEN of True Storytelling conversations. The INTER-who is relational process ontology (RPO) to bring about change in the whole system of Who’s with grip on power. This is done by True Storytelling dialogues with all Who’s present in active listening and doing the patient work of together-telling.

Once we work through the Who’s and do the embodied restorying, we come up with a ‘new story’ to share to one audience, one of the who’s.

P6 (Principle 6) of True Storytelling, has four poles. Choose one for each communication using Staging.

This BETWEEN (fore-structure) is foundational to Foundation Ethics, DEI, ODC, Train the trainers modules and to sustainability and ensemble leadership modules still to be designed.

Phase 3: ‘New Story’ communication


Phase 1: We start with the Red Circle of the Four Hearts 

Each is pointing toward Being. Beneath-Before-Bets-Beyond, with their respective ‘fore’ (in advance already).  We are in-each-heart one by one, then we inquire into the relation BETWEEN-the-Hearts, two-by-two. We go from BENEATH-heart to relations to BEFORE-heart, then to their relation to BETS-Heart, and finish our True Storytelling exploration in relation to grounding in BEYOND-heart. But this is not all, since there are four more BETWEEN process relations.  We uncover a ‘who’ different in each of the BETWEEN-the-Hearts.  Between hearts of BENEATH and BEFORE, is the ego-Who. Between hearts of BENEATH and BETS is the corporate-Who, etc.

Part 1: The Four Hearts 

In each chapter of the True Storytelling book (Larsen, Boje, & Bruun, 2021) there is the temporal and the spatial, and at center is Being. The four hearts have their respective orientation. 

Beneath-heart is abstract, all mired in dualities of Western Ways of Knowing (WWOK). The five sense of sensemaking get stuck in treating concepts as the world itself.  Opinions get substituted for facts, and the fact finders line up with this or that opinion, in never ending polarities. Debate takes place but the other side is not really listening to the heart-of-the-matter.

Before-heart is the historian’s playground. Before is also the trauma-center. I know this as a Vietnam veteran. People who go to war zones can get stuck in the past. It is not the only way to get stuck in the past. There is plenty of trauma growing up. 

Bets-heart carries on prospective-sensemaking, a process that affects the Before-heart, in rehistoricizing in-order-to bet on something. 

Numbering the Nautiluses: The Quest to Save A Living Fossil | Nautilus, Sea creatures, Living fossil

BEING-in is represented b the autopsy creature. Nautilus is about to be added to the U.S. Endangered Species Act (more). It is already in the 2016 International Trade in Endangered Species act.  Nautilus species have survived for 500 million ears. The have a lifespan of 20 years. The move b drawing water into and out of chambers, and use of jet propulsion swimming funnel (hyponome). Their beauty is making them extinct. Shell collectors prize them. The trappers us baited cages, and sell 100,000 a year. Amazon sells a nautilus shell for $30. there is a second reason for nautilus extinction. Their food sources are disappearing because of over-fishing. Nautilus decline is 80% in recent decades in some spots.  The nautilus is in the event of withdrawal from the planet. “If you are pretty to a human, you are probably going to die” (oceans.org).

Beyond-heart is a shocking and strange process. In the search for the essence of ‘what is true’ storytelling, Beyond-heart is the last stop. This is because to learn the Beyond process, one must all=ways unlearn at the same time (Heidegger, What is called Thinking book, p. 8). Since we turn away form unlearning, learning is quite difficult. “Withdrawal is an event” (IBID. P. 9). Withdrawal is not nothing. The nautilus and the human both withdraw, and seem not to be aware of it immediately. Withdrawing can claim humans more essentially than what touches them in sensemaking (Beneath-heart).  Beyond is about intuitive-fulfillment (Heidegger, History of Time book).

  We turn now to what are four who’s Between.

Phase 2: The Blue Circle of the Four Who’s of the BEWEEN

These are taking space in their own circle, making space in-order-to. Ego-Corporate-We (community)-Eco. The four BETWEEN-Who’s have particular fore-structuring processes of their ‘in-order-to’. True Storytelling explores the four BETWEEN-who’s. Each who is an Anyone (p. 252) in their phenomenal encounter with Being-in (i.e. the Nautilus Shell, our logo).  In short, we are looking to disclose the “operation in the fore-structure” of the BETWEEN (#152 in Being & Time book), exploring the interplay of two hearts in the four Who’s of the BETWEEN.  This interplay is usually common knowledge, or scientific knowing, or its spiritual signification as we shall see in the case of baby-proofing the home).  

We need a stage three, because the whole totality of BETWEEN in phases 1 and 2 is still outstanding, so we disentangle more fore-structure relationships.

Only after the gulf Between the hearts becomes apparent, can we delve into this Between process.

Ego-centric Who is a process Between Beneath-heart and Before-heart. Egocentric is defensive, withdrawing from what is actual.  Ego-denial is quieter problematic. Ego ma explain why as Bruno Latour puts it, ‘we have never been modern.’  “Especially we moderns can learn, only if we always unlearn at the same time” (p. 8 Heidegger, What is Called Thinking book).  For ego to radically unlearn is a tall order.  Ego happily dualizes Beneath in all kinds of polarities, then withdraws from the Before, unable to see what is already there. 

Corporate-centric is what an Encyclopedia of Business Storytelling is all about, especially one about ‘true storytelling.’  What is true for corporate-centric kinds of organizations? The corporate-centric event of withdrawal is the bridging of Beneath-heart to Bets-on-the-future-heart.  In the Corporate-who, drawing toward a single bottom line is a withdrawal from the We-centric (community of species) and from the eco-centric habitat of place.  Corporate-centric prides itself on being-practical, but its quite abstract, able to withdraw from all grounding. 

We-centric is the who of community, even the community of all species replaced on planet earth.  We-centric joins eco-centric in grounding, whereas, ego-centric and corporate-centric withdraw into the abstracting everything in-order-to dominate all that is in-Being.  Indigenous Was of Knowing (IWOK) have a we-centric focus, more than any kind of ego-centric fixation. At least, once upon a time the ‘we-centric’ was bridging the Before-heart to the Beyond-heart. 

Eco-centric ‘who’ is the place of the habitat, and the species replaced there.  Spiritual ecology (Cajete, 2000) is prominent here, but not so much int eh environments sciences, which are more de-spirited.  Hegel (Phenomenology of Spirit book) philosophized that spirit could materialize in Beyond into Being-in-the-world (which explains why Heidegger took up this challenging notion in so many books from Being & Time to the four Seminars, in particular). 

There you have an introduction to the four ‘who’s’ and how they bridge the four harts, pairwise.  

That brings us to what the four who’s withdrew from, the whole of all the ‘who-involvements.’  The quest for true storytelling comes down to getting all four hearts and all four who’s into encounters with Being-in-the-world instead of just withdrawing. Withdrawing is an phenomenal eventing process, and an abyss to bridge in the whole of all these Betweens.

Phase 3: The Green Circle Whole Totality of Involvements of the BETWEEN Nature-World

What is the Essence of True Storytelling? 

Duncan Pelly , Sabine Trafimow and I (Boje, Pelly, & Trafimow, in review) have been writing and videoing about this question: what is the essence of true storytelling?  I will give the short answer here. It is ‘freedom’ to return from withdrawal, and freedom to just be capricious and withdraw some more.  The extended of true storytelling is in-freedoms to screw it up, and to do something sustainable, ethical, just, equitable, and even as beautiful as the nautilus. 

This uncovering of the essence of True Storytelling of Nature-World is not a microcosmos dualized against the world-macrocosmos because the the mode of Being is different for each cosmos (p. 252 in History of Time book). In other words, in Stage three, what is the essence of True Storytelling is our inquiry as we analyze Being-in-the-world as a whole. We will encounter authentic-True and unauthentic the untrue. You might just want to assume that agreement of the four Who’s in dialogue will accomplish True Storytelling. More is going on than agreement. We search for the “care-structure” in “the totality of the structural manifold ness of care” (#196 in Being & Time book).   This is a phenomenal investigation of workshops, in disclosedness of SpaceTimeMattering.

The analysis of Three Circles of BETWEEN-antenarrative is about the phenomenon of discoveredness, the co-discovering of the Red and Blue Circles in the Green Circle of Nature-World, planet Earth. Each BETWEEN circle has its dispositions (hearts, who’ & environing-Nature-World). Letting SpaceTimeMattering of Worldhood be encountered in the three circles of orientation, Being-There is their already “Being-there-with”, discoverable (p. 253 in History of Time book). Note: the special thematic knowledge of BENEATH-Heart encounters BEING-there in 4 hearts. BETWEEN-who’s orientations encounters the Anyone (they-self) and again these orientations point to There-Being, co-discovered. Both the Red and the Blue circle of orientations are related to the Green circle of ‘Here’, “there” and “yonder” (spatiality) of something fore-structuring the ‘in-order-to’ of each who. Each ‘who’ wants to be the ‘true storytelling’ of orientation [Bewandtmisganzheit] (IBID. p. 253). The re-moting space brings forthe a there, here, yonder of BETWEEN (fore-structure). This is in the whole Totality of Nature-Worldhood. I am Nature, as you are Nature, and things human make, manufacture, in business, come from Nature, and go back to Nature “remoting.”

Discoveredness of the four ‘who’s’ of the Anyone, “Being-with-others” (relational process ontology). These four orientations of BETWEEN (red who’s) can withdraw into separation. The they-self (Anyone, Everyone, No-one) can hamper the disclosure of Self, lost in the Anyone (IBID., p. 258). The Public and absorb the 4 who’s or each who can absorb the other who’s. The BECOMING of Heart-of-Care process (Principle 5, Restorying process) can help find the “sense of caring” ( IBID. p. 254). In other words, we can become involved inc caring for something, insted of just being-bystander.

This is the hermeneutics of True Storytelling. Each who is all about what is threatening and non-threatening. There is always restlessness and uneasiness of the who;s, a kind of soaring frenzy taking over the attunement (alignment of head, heart, & speech). The covering up of Nature-world, the possibility of deception in the red and blue circles can arise and is not always mistaken-inference, but its own kind of Being-untrue.

There are ontic things (we measure, weight, accumulate, and so on). This is not all there is to ontology of BETWEEN. The ‘Being of Nature’ in the Green Circle, the “‘World’ of Nature” (#63, Being and Time book). We encounter ontic-things: tree, chair, table, forest, rock, wind, air. There is more to SpaceTimeMattering than ontic-things, because all thing some from the aliveness of Nature-Worldhood.

The Question: What is place under care?

Baby-proofing Example of 3 Circles of BETWEEN

Example: Sandtray Staging Baby’s between

Sandtray of Between is simultaneously exploring onto-story, from the 4 hearts, the 4 who’s.

Babyproofing Checklist
The BETWEEN – fore-structuring in advance to keep baby safe
How to Efficiently Baby Proof Your Home - WitWitWoo
Baby-proofing the home to keep baby safe is all about Fore-structure of the BETWEEN

Four Who’s preparing-in-advance, baby-proofing the house.  The authenticity and in-authentic care are projected onto the baby-proofing-the-house-in-advance of baby’s arrival. Fore-structure of each Who is antecedent (a priori) (Bing & Time book, #324).

Ego-centric preparations to protect Ego from baby

How does ego-centric parent baby-proof a house?  Hire someone else to care fore baby. Set up electronic gadgets. Parents speak to the baby in the womb, ‘you will be a doctor, an engineer,  and so on. Baby gets a role before being born. 

Corporate-centric preparations to sell stuff to parents, the supply chain

50 Count Premium Quality Childproof Outlet Covers - VALUE PACK - New & Improved Baby Safety Plug ...
Ten things you DON'T need to buy for your new baby | Inhabitots
In some cultures it is needed, in others not

Do they sell stuff non needed? Is the stuff for status or about authentic threats to baby.

We-centric (community) preparations

Takes a whole village to raise baby.  The baby shower can precede baby’s arrival. Once upon a time, grandparents, neighbors, the whole community prepared in advance for baby. 

Eco-centric fore-structuring

How To Improve Baby Brain Development During Pregnancy

Baby will enter a world already in climate-change, already riven with fertilizers and pesticides so allergies are a consideration in-order-to sustain baby life. The texture environment with lots of shapes and colors is helpful to baby learning. 

Your new story re-presents isn’t the Staging the BETWEEN two-hearts, in “the sense of caring (p. 254, History of Time book).

The ‘new story’ you communicate the BETWEEN subject and world is always already presupposing Antenarrative process of two heart’s BETWEEN is a supposed to be reLAtion, at any given time “for the time Being is mine” of one of the 4 Anyone poles (p. 252): ego, corporate, we-community, or eco. Your task is grounding your staging in discoveredness of two-hearts of The Who you address in your communication.

The Who of the BETWEEN, this fore-structure of one of four BETWEEN-Poles is a specific self-interpretation of your own staging (principle 6). Choose one of the four BETWEEN-poles “Between subject and world” (IBID. p. 251). So please choose a pole to stage.

This is SpaceTimeMattering BETWEEN-hearts, each pole is an orientation (directional), to here, there, or yonder, “locative adverbs” (p. 249). And some pronoun, but the source of phenomenon in this self-articulation staging is spatiality in your sand tray tool and/or your onto-story by walking around encountering the configuration of things (organic and man-made) being-together-telling something BETWEEN.

A staging communication is about one Self-Pole a BEtWEEN two hearts, but all four of the San stray of restorying. You take the ‘new story’ product of the Embodied restorying Process, and communicate that much in the staging. Pick a pole-self you communicate to: Ego, Corporate, We-community, or Eco-centric.

Each pole-Self is addressed in different mode of staging.

Principle: the et week (fore-structure_ of each Anyone must be comprehended so its phenomenal structure can be staged authentically in the Foundation Ethics, DEI, ODC, Sustainability, Leadership or train the Trainers modules of True Storytelling.

Between means “Being-with in the world” a specific Anyone that is not nothing, but is “undeniable phenomenon” though you may not be able to grasp it, weight it, or even see it (p. 247). Why, because it’s so public, the particular Who of each instance of everyday ness.

“The Who which all and none are” is the BETWEEN (p. 247). The problem of the Between is it’s answers for botherinsg, “because no one is there who has to answer” (p. 247). In short, each BETWEEN lacks moral answer ability compass.

When the anyone dumps trash in the desert public land, people say “it was really no one” (p. 247).

In-Between the public Anyone, the ‘Who’ unburdens their answerability. That is how dominion works “Everyone is the Other and non one is himself [or herself]” (p. 247). Nobody public, is still phenomenally doing something. One of the four poles of Anyone, the BETWEEN process is chosen in the staging of principle 6, to communicate to one of the four poles, which means two-hearts are bridged, but not four at once. “Public-Bing-with-anyone” (p. 247, History of Time book).

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