Going Deeper into Antenarrative Processes

It takes some training to begin to analyze antenarrative processes, though they are already there, pre-constitutive stuff of which narrative and living story are crafted.

These are the seven processes.

7 antenarratives basic model

Working in the relational-process-ontology of antenarratives, you can make important connections to Heidegger’s work. I am currently going through the History of Time book, and sorting out ways ‘fore’ (already-there) relations to antenarrative process analysis.

7 antenarratives and the 7 fores

More at https://antenarrative.com

Thank you

See https://truestorytelling.org for True Storytelling training in antenarrative process tools.

What is the “Who” of Antenarrative Processes?

In the onto-story (Jane Bennett, 2010 Vibrant Matter book, p. 4) there is description of an image of five things she sees together, in the gutter outside Sam’s Bagel shop.

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What is interesting in antenarrative processes, is each of the together-things is in relationship to one another. There is a quantum storytelling energy field of human-made things and organic things, that calls out about missing partners. The rat has its community, the left-handed glove has a missing right-handed glove. The smooth twig is missing its tree. The pollen-mat is missing its growing place. And the plastic bottle cap is missing its plastic bottle. Where are they spatially and temporally. They are in the already-there of SpaceTimeMattering.

I did some research to set out more of the context of the onto-story. There are two Sam’s Bagel locations in Baltimore. One is pictured and I found some of the worldhood potentiality-for-Being-a-Whole antenarrative process of SpaceTimeMattering.

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We take our Self in relation to the Who (Anyone, Public, they-self) wherever we go, what ever we do. We carry that worldhood like Atlas in the about imagining of onto-story context, its worlding and unworlding.It takes lots of detective work, and a good deal of creative imagining to do antenarrative process analysis.

Some training you can do: